17 May, 2006 12:00 am
Beaucoup d'articles ont ?t? ?crits r?cemment sur l'activit? volcanique, notamment ? propos de Merapi en Indon?sie et de Bezymianny dans la p?... 6 May, 2006 02:00 pm
In a letter published in the last issue of Nature, scientists describe human contribution to Climate... 6 May, 2006 02:00 pm
Dans une lettre publi?e dans Nature, des scientifiques d?crivent la contribution de l'activit?... 27 Apr, 2006 12:00 am
Anybody who has followed press reporting on global warming, and particularly on its effects on hurricanes, has surely encountered various contrarian pronouncements... 12 Apr, 2006 12:00 am
A special report in The Observer on Sunday (April 9) titled 'Venus - The Hot Spot', provides a well-written account on a mission called the Venus Express... 11 Apr, 2006 12:00 am
On April 18th PBS will air the NOVA documentary ?Dimming the Sun? which stirred up lively discussions among scientists and non-scientists when originally... 1 Apr, 2006 12:00 am
The "iconic" Antarctic temperature trends are the large warming seen on the Antarctic Peninsula, which has had various repercussions including the collapse... 27 Mar, 2006 12:00 am
In a recent paper in Geophysical Research Letters, Scafetta & West (S&W) estimate that as much as 25-35% of the global warming in the 1980-2000 period... 26 Mar, 2006 12:00 am
Lots of press has been devoted to four papers in this week's Science, on the topic of ice sheets and sea level. We've already discussed the new evidence... 24 Mar, 2006 12:00 am
Almost 30 years ago, Jule Charney made the first modern estimate of the range of climate sensitivity to a doubling of CO2... |