Solar |
When renewable energy meets quirky culture7 Mar, 2011 05:12 pm To make an impact, small-scale renewable energy systems must fit social expectations and cultural norms.Australia Plans to be Carbon-Neutral by 2020.25 Aug, 2010 10:48 pm By means of a huge new installation of concentrating solar thermal (CST) and wind-power and the electrification of its transportation infrastructure,...Curtains down on self-cleaning windows?22 Jul, 2010 11:29 am We take the green credentials of nano-TiO2 cleaning agents for a test ride and arrive at some surprising results!Solar’s strange bedfellows23 Jun, 2010 12:41 pm Not long ago, it would have been unthinkable for a big utility company to encourage homeowners to put solar panels on their roofs. Now, however,...2010 Cleantech Predictions10 Dec, 2009 01:58 pm My good friends over at Cleantech Group put out their 10 for 2010 cleantech predictions after Thanskgiving, and after our usual "webside" chats on the...ISRO Chief K. Radhakrishnan says ISRO, India is aiming Mars exploration by 203014 Nov, 2009 05:13 pm Mars exploration by ISRO, IndiaLow Cost Desalination - Saltworks Breakthrough6 Nov, 2009 01:43 pm Canadian firm, Saltworks Technologies, just came out of stealth in relation to their desalination technology, which they claim reduce the electrical energy...Symbolism? German Solar Team Bests U.S. In Shadow of U.S. Capitol21 Oct, 2009 01:13 pm Team Germany has emerged victorious from the three-week Solar Decathlon that overtook the National Mall in D.C., shedding a solar-powered spotlight on...The Necessity of "All of the Above"15 Oct, 2009 12:58 pm I've devoted a lot of space in my blog to explaining why we need all of the energy choices currently available to us, including energy efficiency,...Geoengineering the climate : science, governance and uncertainty23 Sep, 2009 03:17 pm Earlier this month, the Royal Society of the UK issued a report entitled "Geoengineering the climate : science, governance and uncertainty"...SunRun: A new deal for solar18 Sep, 2009 05:50 pm Until recently, you had to be deep green?and have deep pockets?to put solar photovoltaic panels on the roof of your home. The costs were high?$20,...Can Solar Compete?3 Sep, 2009 05:32 pm In this month's briefing on low-carbon electricity technologies, MIT's Technology Review concluded[1] that while the cost of solar power has declined significantly...The Climate-Industrial Complex24 Aug, 2009 08:54 am According to the Center for Public Integrity the number of companies and groups now lobbying the US Congress on the subject of climate change has passed...Solar industry : "We are within 5-15 years of full competitiveness"8 Aug, 2009 10:11 pm Last week, solar-industry experts at a symposium of the National Academies in Washington DC on the topic of scaling up the solar industry complained that...What does solar want? Lots!26 Jun, 2009 09:19 am Ordinarily, when an industry comes to Washington to seek special favors from the government, it hires a lobbyist or two, meets with members of Congress...Ultrathin, transparent and flexible solar cells30 May, 2009 04:42 pm Prof John Rogers and his colleagues from the University of Illinois developed a method to print ultrathin, semitransparent and flexible cells on plastic...The REAL Story on Moore's Law for Solar30 Apr, 2009 09:27 am All new industries seem to think they deserve a Moore's Law. The photovoltaic solar really, really thinks it deserves one, since it kind of sort of looks...Perfect Energy16 Apr, 2009 08:17 am The recent start-up of the latest large-scale nuclear fusion experiment, the National Ignition Facility at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,...Storing Sunlight16 Mar, 2009 03:04 pm An article in MIT's Technology Review on a new liquid battery technology got me rethinking an assumption I've been making for some time concerning the...Alternative Energy And Natural Gas13 Jan, 2009 06:08 pm At the end of the first full work week of the new year--a week I suspect I am not alone in having found a bit of a slog--a pair of articles in MIT's Technology...Solar Powers more Vehicles as Gasoline use Drops23 Oct, 2008 11:05 am By John Addison. Solar is powering more vehicles. American?s have reduced their use of petroleum 5 percent this year. So far,...The Solar Stage is Set6 Oct, 2008 01:41 pm have been pretty disgusted by this whole $700 billion bailout. I felt like we let a lot of people get away with some very bad behavior; behavior that enriched...Possibilities in Solar Energy22 Sep, 2008 10:42 am The champion of all energy sources is the sun. More energy from the sun hits the earth in one hour than all the energy consumed on our planet in an entire...Confusion over Media Report of M.I.T. "Solar Revolution" Claim?28 Aug, 2008 03:44 pm Reports of a new discovery, by a team of MIT researchers, in the popular media are confusing, claiming that a magic "catalyst" has been discovered that...Energy Delayers, Get Out Of The Way: A New American Energy Future Awaits2 Jul, 2008 07:36 pm Just as the time becomes ripe for a major push towards clean, cheap sources of electricity, the Bureau of Land Management threw a two-year stumbling block...What Do We Want? Cheap, Abundant Solar! When Do We Want It? Now!1 Jul, 2008 09:15 am The solar industry is booming, ramping up production capacity and driving costs down steadily towards the mythical "Grid Parity" point - the price point...Will the Rate-of-Conversion Problem Derail Alternative Energy?23 May, 2008 02:02 pm Many alternative energy advocates claim that it is possible to replace our fossil fuel economy with one that runs on a combination of nuclear power and...Competing in the Green Economy22 May, 2008 01:04 pm With our current renewable energy policy, the U.S. risks losing its competitive edge in the green economy. Applied Materials President and CEO Michael...The Youngest Galactic Supernova Remnant26 May, 2008 09:18 am The remains of the most recent supernova in our Milky Way galaxy, about 150 years ago at most, have been identified from radio and X-ray observations.New Organic Molecule in Space1 Apr, 2008 01:07 pm Scientists detect amino acetonitrile near the center of our Milky WayThe Mystery of the Auroras13 Mar, 2008 01:01 am The arrival of spring heralds a season for enthusiasts to observe aurora borealis.How Many Windmills Does It Take to Power the World?26 Feb, 2008 10:51 am Power densities are a measure of the land required for both energy sources and energy users. The current infrastructure matches the small footprint of...Focus on Nigeria: the SELF Project8 Feb, 2008 06:09 pm CNN's monthly series 'Global Challenges' travels around the world to bring feature reports on sustainable development, focusing on small-scale community...Renewable Energy Technologies Just as Reliable as Fossil Fuel Plants24 Jan, 2008 01:15 pm The "intermittency" of wind and solar is not a reason to reject renewablesRizhao, a Solar-Powered City in China8 Jan, 2008 11:20 am Australia news media, SBS, is praising a China north City, Rizhao, for its using solar power to save environment.Just Plain Weird: An Odd Star Proves to Be a New Type of Object5 Dec, 2007 10:35 am On the night after Thanksgiving two years ago, I was at the Keck Telescope, trying to identify some very blue objects in the sky...Will Berkeley Spark a Solar Revolution?8 Nov, 2007 11:39 am Yesterday, the Berkeley City Council unanimously approved an ordinance that will finance PV systems and energy efficiency improvements for homeowners in...Ad Astra! News and Discoveries from the the Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn29 Oct, 2007 01:01 pm The Cassini-Huygens mission was launched on 15 October 1997; 10 years later, we speak to Professor Andrew Coates, head of Planetary Science Group in the...Late Stages of Planetary System Evolution: the Case of V 391 Peg b12 Oct, 2007 11:15 am Exoplanets are of high interest, not only because questions regarding alien life in the universe have accompanied humanity for a long time,...Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV).5 Oct, 2007 05:40 pm Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) is a version of photovoltaic (PV) technology which can be incorporated into the the roofs and walls of both commercial...San Francisco's Green Power Goal: Solar Panels at San Francisco Airport (SFO)2 Oct, 2007 11:14 am Your Green Life Eco News is a 90-second news segment airing 4 times a day / 5 days a week (9:58a, 1:58p, 7:58p and 9:58p) on Your TV20 (KBWB-TV San Francisco)...Silicon Nanoparticles Enhance Performance of Solar Cells4 Sep, 2007 02:15 pm Semiconductor fluorescent nanomaterial may find applications in photovoltaic (PV) solar cell technology through the development of cells based entirely...?Water is There!?11 Jul, 2007 07:01 pm Giovanna Tinetti, lead author of a study published today in Nature, reports presence of water in the atmosphere of an extra-solar planet."We Are Too Earth-Centric in Our Search for Alien Life"11 Jul, 2007 12:54 pm The American National Research Council published last week a report entitled ?The Limits of Organic Life in Planetary Systems? suggesting that ?...Nanotechnology and Sustainability22 Jun, 2007 05:04 pm Nanotechnology has the potential to make a big impact on sustainability; but to achieve this potential, we need a multiple of cross disciplinary approaches..."Our Job is to Find Another Earth"3 May, 2007 12:05 pm St?phane Udry is the lead-author of a study issued last week reporting the finding of a habitable Earth-like planet. He answers Scitizen?s questions.[VIDEO] Astronomers Find First Earth-Like Planet in Habitable Zone3 May, 2007 12:05 pm A video by ESOVideo : Emission Spectra of Extrasolar Planets16 Apr, 2007 02:22 pm We recently published an article by Jeremy Richardson describing "the first measured emission spectrum from two different planets orbiting other stars"...Another "First": Emission Spectra of Extrasolar Planets22 Mar, 2007 11:21 am The rapidly-evolving field of research in extrasolar planets (or exoplanets) has achieved another milestone, with the announcement of the first measured...Diverse Renewable Energy Sources Is The Best Option16 Jan, 2007 11:28 am Dr. Daniel Kammen is the director of the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley...COROT - First Spacecraft To Search for Earth-like, Rocky Planets27 Dec, 2006 06:55 pm The first spacecraft devoted to searching for planets like Earth, COROT, will be launched December 27th. The mission will last two and a half years...Night and Day on an Alien World: Spitzer's Hidden Universe18 Nov, 2006 03:18 pm Astronomers have for the first time measured the temperatures varying across the surface of a planet beyond our solar system.?This Kind of Planet Had Never Been Seen Before?19 Oct, 2006 04:15 pm Kailash Sahu is the leading author of a report published Nature in which he describes the finding of 16 new extrasolar planets in the center of the Milky...?35% of the Giant Planets Could Form Planets Like the Earth in the Habitable Zone?11 Oct, 2006 01:24 pm Sean Raymond is co-author of a report published recently in Science, in which he describes how Earth-mass planets can form during the ?...?In the coming years we might be able to detect smaller planets and maybe approach what could be a telluric planet in the habitable zone?8 Jun, 2006 08:39 pm Christophe Lovis is co-author of an report published in Nature describing the discovery of three new extra-solar planets orbiting a star nearby [1]...Planets Birth Around Dead Stars: the First Proofs!14 Apr, 2006 07:03 pm NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has uncovered new evidence that planets might rise up out of a dead star's ashes. The infrared telescope surveyed the scene... |