Key words :
climate change,
climate change
,global warming
,heat stress
,relative humidity
,specific humidity
,water vapor
Increase in Humidity: A Response to Human-Induced Climate Change
11 Oct, 2007 04:40 pm
Scientists have observed significant increase in the specific humidity (a measure of how much water vapour there is in a given volume of air) over the last decades. A study published today in Nature reports that this is likely to be the result of man-made climate change. In an interview with Scitizen, Nathan Gillett, a co-author of the study, discusses methods, results, and the study?s impact.
Why is humidity so important in climate change?
Were you able to focus on the evolution of humidity?
Nathan Gillett is a climate researcher at the University of East Anglia.
Willett KM, Gillett NP, Jones PD, Thorne PW. Attribution of observed surface humidity changes to human influence. Nature 449, 710-712. 11 October 2007.
Abstract available here
Interview by: Gilles Prigent