Gilles is the owner of Take Part Media, a Paris-based media company co-founded in 2006 with Jean-Philippe Lorenzo, with private funds. Both founders hold a PhD in Physics...
The Home Page is not controlled by any editor at this stage.
The Home Page is not controlled by any editor at this stage. Once an article is accepted for publication by the reviewers, it directly appears on the top of the Home Page on a “first in, first out” basis. This might change as the number of submissions grows.
Gilles is the owner of Take Part Media, a Paris-based media company co-founded in 2006 with Jean-Philippe Lorenzo, with private funds. Both founders hold a PhD in Physics...
Gilles is the owner of Take Part Media, a Paris-based media company co-founded in 2006 with Jean-Philippe Lorenzo, with private funds. Both founders hold a PhD in Physics...