Key words :
future energies,
nuclear power
,molten salt reactor
,light water reactor
,nuclear safety
The Road to Fukushima: The Nuclear Industry's Wrong Turn
11 Apr, 2011 10:32 am
Nuclear researchers knew long ago that reactor designs now in wide use had already been bested in safety by another design. Why did the industry turn its back on that design?

This rather remarkable design is called the molten salt reactor (MSR), and it lost out for two reasons: 1) It wasn't compatible with the U.S. government's desire to have a civilian nuclear program that would have dual use, that is, that could supply the military with nuclear bomb-making materials. 2) Uranium-fueled light water reactors, which are in wide use today, already had a large, expensive infrastructure supporting them back in 1970. To build MSRs would have required the entire industry to retool or at least create another expensive parallel infrastructure. And, that's how MSRs became the victim of lock-in.
One familiar example will show how lock-in works. Anyone who types on a standard English keyboard may already know that the arrangement of the letters was designed to slow down typists so that the typebars--the things which strike the paper in a typewriter to make the letters--would not get jammed together. Other keyboards have since been designed to allow much faster, less error-prone typing, but few people have adopted them--even with the advent of computers which, of course, have no typebars to worry about.
Decisions made early on in the history of keyboard technology locked in a path for nearly all subsequent adopters. Everyone learned to use the so-called QWERTY keyboard, and so manufacturers only made this configuration, which then obliged all those new to typing to learn it, and so on. So strong was the lock-in for QWERTY that it's been that way since the 1870s regardless of changes in typing technology.
Lock-in has worked in much the same way for the nuclear industry. The decision within U.S. government circles to focus on light water reactors and abandon MSRs relegated the latter to a footnote in the history of civilian nuclear power. And, because the United States was the leader in civilian nuclear technology at the time, every nation followed us. So, should the world look again at this "old" technology as a way forward for nuclear power after Fukushima?
My sympathies are with the MSR advocates. If the world had adopted MSR technology early on, there would have been no partial meltdown at Three Mile Island, no explosion at Chernobyl, and no meltdown and subsequent dispersion of radioactive byproducts into the air and water at Fukushima. It's true that MSR technology is not foolproof. But its very design prevents known catastrophic problems from developing. The nuclear fuel is dissolved in molten salt which, counterintuitively, is the coolant. If the reactor overheats, a plug at the base melts away draining the molten salt into holding tanks that allow it to cool down. Only gravity is required, so power outages don't matter.
As for leaks, a coolant leak (that is a water leak) in a light water reactor, can quickly become dangerous. If there is a leak from an MSR, the fuel, which is dissolved in the molten salt, leaks out with it, thereby withdrawing the source of the heat. You end up with a radioactive mess inside the containment building, but that's about it.
If the world had adopted MSRs at the beginning of the development of civilian nuclear power, electricity production might now be dominated by them. And, we might be busily constructing wind generators and solar panels to replace the remaining coal- and natural gas-fired power plants. Would there have been accidents at MSRs? Certainly. Would these accidents have been large enough and scary enough to end new orders for nuclear power plants as happened after the 1979 Three Mile Island accident in the United States? I doubt it.
Having said all this, I believe that MSR technology will never be widely adopted. The same problem that derailed it early in the history of civilian nuclear power is still with us. We still have lock-in for light water reactors. Yes, the new designs are admittedly quite a bit safer. But these designs still don't solve as many problems as MSRs do, and they continue to rely on uranium for their fuel. MSRs have shown themselves capable of running on thorium, a metal that is three times more abundant than uranium, and 400 times more abundant than the only isotope of uranium that can be used for fuel, U-235. This is the basis for the claim that MSRs fueled with thorium could power civilization for millennia.
Attempts have been made to run current uranium-fueled reactors using thorium. But all the dangers remain because the reactors are still subject to catastrophic meltdowns. Only in the MSR, where the fuel is dissolved in molten salt, is this danger avoided altogether.
The Chinese have announced that they are interested in pursuing MSRs and the use of thorium to fuel them. Perhaps in China--where the nuclear industry is synonymous with the government and therefore does what the government tells it to--MSRs might actually be deployed. I have my doubts. Even China suffers from the lock-in problem. Back in the United States it is easier to predict that we'll see little progress. In the U.S. it is the industry that tells the government what new nuclear technologies will be developed rather than the other way around. And, the American nuclear industry is committed to light water reactors.
I believe that even if the Fukushima accident had not occurred, nuclear power generation would probably have done no more than maintain its share of the total energy pie in the coming decades. Now, I am convinced that that share will shrink as people in democratic societies reject new nuclear plants. This could, in turn, free up funds to pursue energy sources that could serve us well and permanently. The cheapest is conservation. We desperately need to reduce our energy use significantly so that we can come into balance with the amount of power that renewable energy can realistically provide us. And, we need to build that renewable energy infrastructure, primarily wind and solar, while solving the problem of electricity storage that currently plagues it.
The nuclear future we were promised in the 1950s and 1960s never arrived. Fukushima tells us that it probably never will. We need to get on with the business of constructing an energy infrastructure that provides all of us a decent, healthy and dignified life while accepting the limits suggested by wisdom and ultimately imposed upon us by nature.
Key words :
future energies,
nuclear power
,molten salt reactor
,light water reactor
,nuclear safety
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China has just announced that it plans to mass-produce and export transportable Thorium LFTR units which will gradually replace coal-fired boilers in existing electricity plants. This announcement will drastically change the whole 'carbon price' debate.
These small power plants will also solve the final hurdles for a massive adoption of Electric Vehicles. (quoted from the Vs20 group)
1. Abundant 'carbon free' electricity. (A fifth the price of coal-fired)
2. Local generation of the enormous amount of electricity required by millions of electric vehicles. Few realize how many 'megawatt hours are in a tank of petrol!
3. Local generation also solves the problem of our reliance on a massive National Grid. And that our existing grid is NOT remotely capable of powering electric vehicles! And the fact that a single ice-storm can black-out 50 million people!
The world has been waiting 50 years for someone with enough money to perfect these reactors. India, Japan, Russia & USA are now all defensively stepping up their LFTR research!
It is ironic that many Senators in the USA have died of old age while trying to lobby for Thorium funding. One little announcement from China and everything changes! China sees this as a way to boost it's sagging export revenue and will invest billions of dollars in this lucrative market.
There is a good article on "zero-carbon-electricity" at www
The Tesla electric roadster uses an induction motor with NO rare earth elements. Another suitable type of motor with no rare earth elements is the variable switched reluctance motor (VSR); it can also be used as a generator. Moreover, wind generators have been made without rare earth elements.
Using rare earth elements in electric motors and generators has advantages, but most definitely is not essential; other motor and generator technologies can perform quite well.
I agree with the author’s two key points on why LFTR wasn't developed but disagree with his subsequent beliefs, conclusions and call to focus on building renewable energy systems instead.
Dr Max Ward is more on the money - China is the game changer here and good on them! By breaking out of the lock-in, China could end up freeing us all.
It’s not hard for me to envisage China seeing her national interests being better served by developing, controlling and exporting LFTRs at the cost of superceding her current fleet of inferior Light Water Reactors. It would not only be their reactors being superceded but those of the entire world. By choosing to lead the break out of the lock-in, China stands to gain:
1. The security of assured energy independence for the foreseeable future.
2. The competitive economic advantage of the cheapest energy on the planet and control over the technology underpinning that.
3. An export industry worth far more than the inferior reactors they would sacrifice.
4. Far cheaper and safer energy for her citizens.
5. A cleaner environment.
6. A sublimely powerful demonstration of the comparative failures and weaknesses of the West’s political and economic systems. I can just see their smile of delight at the prospect of justifiably embarrassing the US and watching them squirm as they said, “Check”.
I don't understand why, after pointing out the substantial benefits of the thorium-fueled MSR (LFTR), the author then calls us to focus on building renewable energies. LFTR promises to be capable of producing vastly greater amounts of energy with far less carbon emissions per unit of energy and all far more cheaply than any renewable source. Compared to LFTR, renewable energies are just too ‘carbon polluting’ and costly AND they take up vast areas. More than that, mass producing LFTRs offers our best prospect of rapidly ending our dependence on fossil fuels. No renewable source could ever match LFTRs ability to meet our current multiple crises because their capacity factors are vastly inferior. LFTRs would operate at near maximum capacity day or night, rain or shine, gale or calm.
What do renewable energies have to offer in comparison that warrants the author calling for their uptake rather than concerted action to end the MSR lock-in? The only thing I can see is an apparent ideological purity that, given our current circumstances, could be as dangerous as the Sirens of Greek mythology.
Let’s develop LFTR now and focus on the attractions of ideological purity only when we are well clear of the rocks of our multiple current crises.
The path of nuclear power was a bureaucratic one with a goal of producing nuclear weapons. The lock-in today is a regulatory one with new designs being shut down by lobbyists for the nuclear industry. Remember that inventors are not at first celebrated they are usually despised
This is a Truth that everyone believes, A point of agreement between 99.9% of anyone that knows what nuclear waste is. I don't think that there is another thing that 99.9% of Americans would believe except this.
Apparently it is a lie today and has been for 50 years.
I am not prone to believing conspiracy theories but knowing that this has been a lie how can we believe anything about anything anymore?
I feel uneasy at that, they should run the prototype for a whole reactor lifecycle (40-60 years) before building the production reactors. Better safe than sorry.
Either way, Thorium reactors would contribute negligible amounts of electricity before 2050 (and before 2100, I'd hazard a guess).
Better to follow the path that the Rocky Mountain Institute's Amory Lovins recommends, to conserve, invest in CHP, etc, than waste time and resources on the nuclear diversion which will provide too little, too late, to make any meaningful contribution.
"Affordable, Safe, & Available - Choose any two."
Kurt's response is the widely supported approach of urging an intensive focus on energy efficiency and renewable Wind and Solar Power, with a further research focus on solving the rather fundamental problem of energy storage for these intermittent options.
Personally I doubt that this sub-optimal supply approach could be sufficient to meet and endure the converging pressures of Peak Oil and Climate Destabilization, that threaten to destabilize industrial capacity and curtail efforts to replace extant fossil energy plants.
Moreover there are unspoken questions over just how society reached the present impasse with wind power and solar power, respectively the most intermittent and the most expensive of the non-fossil energy options [NFEs], being widely perceived as our best choices. Given the known range of 'baseload' NFEs, including Geothermal, Forest Biomass, and, arguably, Ocean Wave power, has there been a novel form of lock-in ? To a cul-de-sac that minimizes the threat to fossil energies' market share ?
Recent history is worth noting here. A nuclear engineer once rose to be head of the world's largest energy supply organization, the UK's Central Electricity Generating Board. His name was Walter Marshal. He faced strong opposition to new-build from the anti-nuclear movement, and less than energetic backing from Mrs Thatcher's administration. Rather than just trying to fight his corner he adopted a medium-term proactive strategy, of actively promoting wind power.
To this end he commissioned a 250 kw wind turbine (then the world's largest) on the Shetland Islands off Scotland's north coast, with no public pressure to do so. A planeload of journalists were flown up to publicize it, and were given a very liquid lunch and a nice tour and talk and Q&A session. They did as required and gave glowing reports, devoid of difficult issues, and even awarded greeny-points to Marshall (to whom they were irrelevant).
The function of that turbine was
a/. to provide long term performance data to Whitehall (and thence to all EU governments and others) which it achieved to the extent that onshore windpower became embedded as the primary non-fossil option among politicians and civil service alike;
b/. to encourage the widespread contested deployment of wind turbines that ensured a split was maintained and hardened between anti-nuclear mostly-urban environmentalists and rural communities who were (and are) adamant that their landscapes will not be dominated by immense industrial artefacts in the form of steel towers and massive rotors. The value of that split is now central to what support nuclear power retains in rural areas - if people were not predisposed to ignore environmentalists for pushing windpower , the rural opposition to nuclear could have been potentially insuperable;
c/. to provide 250kw whenever sufficient winds blew.
If this history is viewed in conjunction with the significant investment in windpower by Shell and BP at a point where it needed to make the jump into mass deployment, then the fact that they abruptly withdrew their funding once its job was done indicates some pretty bizarre financial planning, by two of the energy majors at once, if it was done with honest intentions.
Thus I suggest that the key policy question for officials in Germany, Japan and China is not the choice between Wind &Solar or LWR Nuclear, but rather between the RD&D of Energy Storage for Wind and Solar or that of Geothermal, Forest Biomass and city-scale Ocean Wave.
In view of the >10yr time-frame for replacing Japan's Fukushima wrecks or Germany's write-offs, and these nations low solar receipt, and the hugely intrusive and land hungry demands of deploying immense numbers of wind turbines, that policy decision does not seem very difficult.
Although I entirely agree with you that the nuclear age is all but gone.
Much of the research needed has already been done as there was a working demonstrator in the US for several years in the 60's.
Since these reactors can be built in any size from around 10MW up they lend themselves to mass production and mass deployment, so it should not be imagined that it would be some time before they could have major impact.
They could be fully ready to deploy by 2020 and could be built in the hundreds and installed instead of the coal or gas parts of existing plants, keeping the turbines and so on.
A discussion forum on them here:
So the non-proliferation issues concerning the thorium cycle need to be put under a broader scrutiny as much as the uranium-plutonium cycle, before we can advocate a nuclear renaissance based on an alternative nuclear path.
China Tries to Master a Technology Other Countries Have Not -
Geothermal, particularly, Low Temperature Geothermal, now under development. Emission free, and similar to Nuclear in providing non-intermittent baseload power. This is a game changer.