Key words :
future energies,
future energies
,science policy
,international relations
Oil, Gas-- and Carrots
9 May, 2008 11:58 am
(May 8, 2008) While oil and natural gas prices are skyrocketing, the world's
energy consumers are trying to find ways to reserve oil and gas for
themselves. Now, energy rich countries are using their resources as
political leverage: Iran is trying to sell it. Venezuela is trying to barter
and trade, while oil hungry countries use different strategies to buy into
SOURCES: ABC News, U.S.; BBC, U.K.; Press TV and Al Alam, Iran; TV5, France; Latino America Noticias, Uruguay; Asia Today, China; South Asia Newsline, India; Al Jazeera English, Qatar.
Key words :
future energies,
future energies
,science policy
,international relations
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