What is nanoscience ?
3 Dec, 2005 07:35 pm
The observation and manipulation of condensed matter at the nanometer scale, made possible by the invention of new tools, and the wealth of new properties revealed have contributed to the explosion of nanoscience over the past decade.
- What are nanostructures ? How can they be made (“top-down” vs “bottom-up” approaches) ? What is self-organization ?
- What are our “eyes” and “fingers” in the nanoworld ? The invention of scanning probe microscopes (AFM, STM, MFM) in the last two decades has made possible the investigation of material properties at the nanometre level.
- What are the new properties of these materials and how one could use it (computation, information storage) ? Computers, telecommunications, internet are based on the use of controlled properties of condensed matter at the (sub)micron scale. What could be achieved with the next generation of systems based on nanostructured systems (quantum computation, molecular circuits) ?
- As nanomaterials are in the same size range than biological molecules, what are the potential use in medicine ? What about toxicity of such materials for the human body ?
2 comment(s)
Comment by Megan Wigley-Jones
4 Apr, 2007 02:42 pm
hi there, my name is Megan and I'm from South Wales. In my chemistry class I have to do a project / essay on nanoscience (basically find out what it is.) I've looked on many websites but the whole explaining just completly confuses me! could someone explain this to me in an EASY way! thank you meg x

Comment by Robin
14 Jun, 2007 07:41 am
I want to know about nanoscience and nanotechnology and their classification etc. and also the future aspects.