Who discovered carbon nanotubes? - All you need to know about the discovery of carbon nanotubes.
6 Sep, 2006 05:06 pm
On reading articles in newspapers and science and technology magazines one gets that impression that Suomo Iijima, a scientist at NEC Japan, is the unique discoverer of carbon nanotubes. While it is certainly obvious that S. Iijima made at least two key contributions to this field, careful analysis of the literature shows that he is most certainly not the first who reported about carbon nanotubes.
In fact, M Endo from
It was at this point in time that Donald Huffman in
So, who discovered carbon nanotubes? While this must really be the group of Radushkevich and Endo, only later discoveries by Iijima led to the spate of activity in this field resulting in significant breakthroughs in structure-property correlations. We realize that it is not enough to know that carbon nanotubes exist but we need to be able to produce macroscopic amounts to make use of them. S. Iijima’s key contributions and contributions of many devoted scientists, who came subsequently on the scene, show that there is a long way from discovery to taking full advantage of the unique physical and chemical properties of carbon nanotubes. -
Details about the discovery of carbon nanotubes can be found in CARBON 44 (2006) 1621.
See also:
Radushkevich L.V., Lukyanovich V.M., Zurn Fisic Chim 1952; 111:24
Oberlin A., Endo M., Koyama T. Filamentous growth of carbon through benzene decomposition, J Cryst Growth 1976; 32: 335
Ijima S., Helical microtubules of graphite carbon, Nature 1991; 354: 56
Ijima S., Ichihashi T. Single-shell carbon nanotubes of 1-nm diameter, Nature 1993; 363: 603
Bethune D.S. et al. Cobalt catalysed growth of carbon nanotubes with single atomic layer walls, Nature 1993; 363: 605